Frequently Asked Questions

The Electoral Register lists the names, surnames, Identity/eResidence Card numbers and addresses of those persons who are registered to vote in elections and referenda. It is published twice yearly, in April and October, in three distinct formats, both in paper form and on cd.

The General Election Electoral Register is published in 13 volumes (districts). This lists Maltese citizens entitled to vote in national referenda and to elect members of the House of Representatives.

The Local Councils Electoral Register is published in 68 volumes (one for each locality) and lists those entitled to vote to elect councillors in their locality. In this register there are, besides the citizens of Malta, those EU citizens registered as residents in the Maltese Islands.

There is finally the European Union Electoral Register listing those non-Maltese EU citizens registered as residing in the Maltese Islands who have opted to vote in Malta to elect members to the European Parliament. This EU register, together with the General Elections register, make up the Electoral Roll that entitles the registered voters to vote in elections for members of the European Parliament.

You may check your own voting status by clicking here. You must have readily available your Malta identity card number or your eResidence Card number, your surname and your date of birth. The full Electoral Register in hard copy may be viewed at the Electoral Office. District Police stations and Local Council offices would also have the Electoral Register pertaining to their locality. One can also phone the Electoral Office on tel. number 2558 3000 or send an email to [email protected] to find out. One’s identity card or eResidence card number needs to be quoted for this check. The Electoral Register may also be purchased from the Department of Information either in paper form or on cd.

For the General Elections Electoral Register any citizen of Malta who has reached the age of 16 years of age and who has resided in Malta for at least six months in the last eighteen months prior to registration may apply. Those who are listed in this register are also automatically entitled to vote during Referenda, local council elections and elections for the European Parliament. One must possess a Malta identity card.

For the Local Councils Electoral Register any citizen of the European Union who is officially resident in the Maltese Islands, and is in possession of an identity card or eResidence card issued in Malta may apply. The minimum age of entry in this register is of 16 years.

For the European Union Electoral Register any citizen of the European Union who is officially resident in the Maltese Islands, and who opts to vote in Malta for Members of the European Parliament may apply. Once registered, the person would be renouncing his right to vote in the same elections in his home country. Such a person must be 16 years of age and possess an identity card or eResidence card issued in Malta.

You can register to vote at any time of the year but since the Electoral Register is published every April and October, it would be best if you register prior to the closing dates, that is, before 31st March and 30th September.

Since all election regulations necessitate that a voter must possess a valid identity card or eResidence card so that the Electoral Office can also have the photographic image of the voter, one should apply as follows:


Maltese Citizens Identità, Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda, Tel: 25904300
  28A, St Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo, Tel: 21556317
email: [email protected]
Non-Maltese Citizens Identità, Expatriates Unit, Castagna Building, Valley Road, Msida Tel: 25904800
  eResidence Card Unit, Ministry for Gozo, St Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo , Tel: 22156121
email: [email protected]


When one applies either for the eIdentity Card or the eResidence Card one is automatically applying to be registered as a voter when one completes the relevant application forms.

Provided you have certified documentation of your dual nationalities this does not affect your electoral registration. However, you must satisfy the nationality and other constitutional qualification criteria. Note that registration as a voter is not automatic but you must apply to be so registered.

Every qualified person can only be registered once at one’s ordinary residence as a voter, and this at one’s main residential address.

The Electoral Register is updated whenever there is an application for a change of address on the eIdentity Card or on the eResidence Card. Therefore, all you have to do is to apply for a change of address on your identification card at the relative offices.

If this voter has lost one or more qualifications to be registered as a voter (such as, having emigrated from Malta over one year ago) you need to lodge an appeal to the Revising Officer by completing this form.

If the voter has relocated to a new address you need to lodge an appeal by completing this form.

In both cases, the filled and signed form needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar of the Law Courts, Valletta, Malta by not later than 15th November, 2024. There are no fees payable for these appeals.

If you have all the necessary qualifications to be registered as a voter you need to lodge an appeal to the Revising Officer for inclusion. You can do this, by not later than 15th November, 2024, by submitting the completed and signed form to the Law Courts Registrar in Valletta. No fees are payable for this appeal.