Door Numbering - 2017
Below you will find a list of notices published in the Government Gazette related to the Door Numbering exercise.
Govt. Gazette No. 19,928 - Published 29th December 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,925 - Published 22nd December 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,922 - Published 15th December 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,912 - Published 1st December 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Il-Marsa - Triq il-Pitkali Tas-Sliema - Triq Dun Karm Psaila Tas-Sliema - Triq Mattew Pulis Tas-Sliema - Triq Sant'Anġlu Il-Gżira - Triq ir-Rebħa (Amendment) Ħal Kirkop - Sqaq San Ġwann (Amendment) Marsaskala - Triq il-Gross (Amendment) In-Naxxar - Triq Ħal Dgħejf (Prolongation) Il-Mosta - Triq Karlu Darmanin (Amendment and Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,907 - Published 24th November 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,902 - Published 17th November 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħal Għargħur - Triq il-Mitħna Is-Swatar, Birkirkara - Triq il-Graffitti Navali Is-Swatar, Birkirkara - Triq il-Qanpiena Is-Swatar, Birkirkara - Triq Tal-Qattus Il-Gudja - Triq Bir Miftuħ (Amendment) L-Imqabba - Triq l-Aħwa Ghigo (Amendment) In-Naxxar - Triq il-Minfaħ (Amendment) Il-Qrendi - Triq Rokku Buhagiar (Amendment) Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq ir-Redentur (Amendment) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,898 - Published 10th November 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħaż-Żabbar - Sqaq Berqi Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq Pawlina Muscat Inglott Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq Wiġi Bongailas Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta - Triq Tad-Dawl, Sqaq Nru. 2 Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta - Triq Il-Qubbajt Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta - Triq Tumas Dingli Marsaskala - Triq Lorry Sant Is-Swieqi - Triq Paddy Stubbs Floriana - Triq il-Kapuċċini (Amendment) Il-Kalkara - Triq is-Sibi (Amendment) Ħal Tarxien - Triq San Anard (Amendment) Marsaskala - Triq Apap Bologna (Prolongation) Is-Swieqi - Triq il-Qawsalla (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,895 - Published 3rd November 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħal Kirkop - Triq San Remiġ Ir-Rabat, Malta - Triq Misraħ Suffara Birżebbuġa - Sqaq San Ġorġ (Amendment) Il-Fgura - Triq il-Ġiżimina (Amendment) Marsaskala - Triq ix-Xnejn Abjad (Amendment) San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq it-Turisti (Amendment) Tas-Sliema - Triq Leone (Amendment) L-Iklin - Triq Alfons Maria Galea (Amendment and Prolongation) Il-Mellieħa - Triq San Ġużepp (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,888 - Published 20th October 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,884 - Published 13th October 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Il-Mellieħa - Triq San Ġorġ Il-Mellieħa - Triq San Ġużepp Il-Mellieħa - Misraħ tas-Salib Ħad-Dingli - Daħla tas-Sienja Ħad-Dingli - Triq San Pawl tal-Pitkali Birkirkara - Triq il-Karmnu (Amendment) Birkirkara - Triq il-Kbira (Amendment) Iż-Żurrieq - Triq San Martin (Amendment) Is-Swieqi - Triq il-Majjistral (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,877 - Published 6th October 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,873 - Published 3rd October 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,869 - Published 26th September 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,867 - Published 22nd September 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,864 - Published 15th September 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,860 - Published 7th September 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,857 - Published 1st September 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Bubaqra, Iż-Żurrieq - Triq Fortunat Dalli Iż-Żurrieq - Triq Fortunat Dalli Bubaqra, Iż-Żurrieq - Triq il-Luq Bubaqra, Iż-Żurrieq - Triq is-Sardinell Il-Fgura - Triq Kent (Amendment) San Ġwann - Triq Ta' Marmora (Amendment) Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta - Triq San Martin (Amendment) Birkirkara - Triq Mons. Ġużeppi Depiro (Prolongation) Ir-Rabat, Malta - Triq Anton Muscat Azzopardi (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,849 - Published 22nd August 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħ'Attard - Triq in-Nutar Zarb Birkirkara - Triq Ħal Għargħur Birkirkara - Triq Olaf Gollcher Is-Swatar, Birkirkara - Triq Ġużeppa Psaila Il-Mosta - Triq il-Mitħna Il-Mosta - Triq il-Kostituzzjoni (Amendment) L-Imsida - Triq l-Universita' (Amendment) Tas-Sliema - Triq Beresford (Correction) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,846 - Published 14th August 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq il-Baħrija Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq Francis X. Attard St.Peter's, Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq Ħaż-Żabbar Marsaskala - Triq l-Għaġuża Marsaskala - Triq il-Quċċata Il-Mellieħa - Triq il-Kannestru Tas-Sliema - Triq Beresford Is-Swieqi - Triq il-Qantar Is-Swieqi - Triq il-Qasba In-Naxxar - Triq l-Imdina, Sqaq Nru. 1 (Amendment) In-Naxxar - Triq Tal-Labour (Amendment) Tas-Sliema - Triq it-Torri (Amendment) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,843 - Published 8th August 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,840 - Published 1st August 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Il-Mellieħa - Triq Tas-Salib (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Don Alvaro De Sande (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Nicolo' Isouard (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Vjal l-Indipendenza (Amendment) Iż-Żejtun - Triq il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq it-Tabib Chetcuti (Prolongation) Ir-Rabat, Malta - Triq Bir ir-Riebu (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,836 - Published 21st July 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,829 - Published 14th July 2017
Streets included in this gazette: L-Imsida - Triq Antonio Sciortino L-Imsida - Triq il-Baċir L-Imsida - Triq l-Isqof F.S. Caruana L-Imsida - Triq L. Zamenhof L-Imsida - Triq il-Monsinjur Dandria L-Imsida - Triq Nazju Falzon L-Imsida - Triq Ta' Xmiexi Ħal Qormi - Triq Ġuże' Muscat Azzopardi Ħal Qormi - Triq it-Tapizzara Ħ'Attard - Triq il-Katlan (Amendment) L-Imġarr - Triq il-Vanilja (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Gafa' (Amendment) L-Imsida - Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Amendment) Santa Venera - Triq il-Ħarrub (Amendment) Ħal Tarxien - Triq l-Iskola (Amendment) Iż-Żejtun - Triq Sant'Anġlu (Amendment) Il-Gżira - Triq ix-Xatt (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,824 - Published 7th July 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħal Kirkop - Triq Beneditt Farrugia Ħal Kirkop - Triq Ħal Safi Ħal Kirkop - Triq l-Imdina Ħal Kirkop - Triq il-Karwija Ħal Kirkop - Triq il-Lewżiet Ħal Kirkop - Triq Nerik Xerri Ħal Kirkop - Triq Salvu Sacco Ħal Kirkop - Triq Valletta Ħal Kirkop - Triq Wiġi Vella Ħal Luqa - Triq Wied il-Knejjes L-Imqabba - Triq Ħal Kirkop Ir-Rabat, Malta - Vjal il-Ħaddiem Il-Gudja - Triq San Ċiru (Amendment) Marsaskala - Triq Ta' Gidwet (Amendment) Ħal Għaxaq - Triq il-Ħannieqa (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,818 - Published 30th June 2017
Streets included in this gazette: L-Imġarr - Triq l-Amfora L-Imġarr - Triq l-Għansar L-Imġarr - Triq Sir Temi Zammit Il-Mellieħa - Triq Ta' Masrija San Ġiljan - Fuq il-Ġonna San Ġiljan - Triq l-Oleandru San Ġiljan - Triq il-Palm San Ġiljan - Triq is-Sajjieda San Ġiljan - Triq is-Sur Fons San Ġiljan - Triq it-Tamal San Ġiljan - Triq iż-Żebbuġ L-Imġarr - Triq il-Banjijiet Rumani (Amendment) L-Imġarr - Triq San Ġużepp Micallef (Prolongation) San Ġiljan - Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier (Amendment) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,814 - Published 23rd June 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Birkirkara - Triq Santa Tereża (Amendment) Birkirkara - Triq Tommaso Dingli (Amendment) Il-Fgura - Triq il-Bieb (Amendment) Ħ'Attard - Triq A. Durer (Amendment) Ħal Għargħur - Triq il-Ġnien (Amendment) Ħal Lija - Triq il-Maħlut (Amendment) Marsaskala - Triq Ta' Gidwet (Amendment) In-Naxxar - Triq Margaret A. Murray (Amendment) San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq Sir Luigi Preziosi (Amendment) San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq it-Turisti (Amendment) Is-Siġġiewi - Triq it-Tank (Amendment) Is-Swieqi - Triq Tal-Mielaħ (Amendment) Iż-Żejtun - Triq Ħal Ġwann (Amendment) Iż-Żurrieq - Triq Filippu Farrugia (Amendment) Il-Mellieħa - Triq Dun Manwel Grima (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Rafel Caruana Dingli (Amendment and Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,767 - Published 28th April 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,760 - Published 13th April 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,755 - Published 7th April 2017
Streets included in this gazette: L-Iklin - Triq Alfred Gerada Birkirkara - Triq A.Cuschieri (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Britannja (Amendment) San Ġwann - Triq Ugo Carbonaro (Amendment) Il-Fgura - Triq San Ġwann (Amendment and Prolongation) Ħal Luqa - Triq il-Karmnu (Amendment and Prolongation) Marsaskala - Triq in-Nadur (Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,749 - Published 28th March 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,742 - Published 17th March 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Il-Ħamrun - Triq Joseph Abela Scolaro San Ġiljan - Triq Sant'Elija L-Iklin - Triq Ġuże' Muscat Azzopardi (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq il-Ħmistax ta' Awwissu (Amendment) San Ġwann - Triq l-Arżnu (Amendment) San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq l-Għabex (Amendment) In-Naxxar - Triq l-Ilġiem (Amendment and Prolongation) In-Naxxar - Triq is-Sogħda (Amendment and Prolongation) Iż-Żurrieq - Triq il-Bronja (Amendment and Prolongation) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,739 - Published 10th March 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,733 - Published 28th February 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Marsalforn, Iż-Żebbuġ - Daħlet l-Għarajjex (Prolongation) San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq il-Baħħara San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq il-Klamari San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq il-Melħ San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq it-Tartarun San Pawl il-Baħar - Triq it-Trill Birkirkara - Sqaq Dun Perin (Amendment) Il-Fgura - Triq il-Merħba (Amendment) Ħal Qormi - Triq Santa Marija -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,732 - Published 24th February 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,729 - Published 17th February 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,726 - Published 9th February 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,722 - Published 3rd February 2017
Govt. Gazette No. 19,715 - Published 20th January 2017
Streets included in this gazette: L-Iklin - Triq il-Wied In-Naxxar - Triq il-Għargħur Il-Mellieħa - Triq il-Mitħna l-Ġdida (Amendment) Il-Mosta - Triq Gafa' (Amendment) Ir-Rabat (Malta) - Triq ir-Rgħajja (Amendment) Ħaż-Żabbar - Triq Santa Duminka (Amendment) Iż-Żejtun - Triq id-Dulliegħ (Amendment) -
Govt. Gazette No. 19,712 - Published 13th January 2017
Streets included in this gazette: Ħal Għargħur - Triq San Ġwann Ħal Għargħur - Triq Mons. Luigi Catania (Amendment and Prolongation) Ħal Għargħur - Triq il-Kbira (Amendment and Prolongation) Birkirkara - Triq San Lawrenz (Amendment and Prolongation) Ħal Tarxien - Joann Garden (Amendment) L-Imġarr - Triq San Pietru (Amendment) San Ġwann - Triq il-Baħar l-Iswed (Amendment) Iż-Żurrieq - Triq San Pawl (Amendment)