About Us

The Electoral Commission is set up in terms of article 60 of the Constitution of Malta and members of the Commission are appointed by the President acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister, given after he has consulted the Leader of the Opposition. The Commission is an autonomous body and in the exercise of its functions under the Constitution, it shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority.

The Commission is responsible for the compiling, maintaining and publishing the electoral registers for a general election, Local Councils’ elections and elections for the European Parliament. The registers are published every six months during April and October and are correct as on 31st March and 30th September respectively.

The Commission is also responsible for the Electoral Office. The Office provides the administrative machinery and resources needed by the Commission to fulfill its obligations according to law including the registration, transfer and cancellation of voters and organisation of elections. The Head of the Electoral Office is the Chief Electoral Commissioner, who is also the Chairperson of the Commission.