Address Management Unit

The Address Management Unit is responsible for the managing and updating of addresses in Malta and Gozo. The updating is carried out through two processes mainly; the door numbering exercise, where each door is assigned a unique number and through street naming. The aim is that all citizens of our Islands have an official address. On the managing side, the Address Management Unit is taking care that all gathered information will be keyed in a system that updates the data that will appear in the next publication of the Electoral Register.

Door Numbering Unit

The Door Numbering Unit became the responsibility of the Electoral Office on 8th January, 2016, according to Act No. II of 2016.

Door numbering is a system that assigns a unique door number to every door or opening in a public street, with the aim that makes it easier to find a particular door.


Address: Door Numbering Unit, The Electoral Office, Counting Complex, ex.Trade Fair Grounds, In-Naxxar

Email: [email protected]

Telephone Number: 2558 3180

Street Naming Committee

The Electoral Office was tasked with the responsibility of the Street Naming Committee on the 8th January, 2016, by means of Act No. II of 2016. The Members of this Committee are:

  • Mr Charles Flores
  • Mr Christopher Deguara
  • Ms Margaret Baldacchino Cefai
  • Mr Michael Balzia
  • Ms Anna Bonanno​
  • Mr Vincent Bonello
  • Mr Michael R. Borg
  • Mr Salvu Borg
  • Mr Alfred Briffa
  • Mr Jeffrey Ellul
  • Mr Joe Scicluna
  • Mr Saviour Seisun

Address: Street Naming Committee, The Electoral Office, Counting Complex, ex.Trade Fair Grounds, In-Naxxar

Email: [email protected]

Telephone Number: 2558 3180